Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Russell Brothers

Ok, so technically it is almost the littlest brother's birthday.  He's turning one, and so most of photoshoot was about him.  But big brother is just such a cutie we wanted to get some of this sweet guy as well.  What a pair they are. I have a feeling these little guys are going to grow up to be great friends.  Brothers.... what a special bond.  I love it!  To see the rest of this fun shoot click here:

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summer Swim

Here's a glimpse into my world this summer.... Swim Team.  The kids joined a swim team this year and I'm so glad they did.  When I called to inquire about a swim team, I had really just intended to have my son join.  The woman on the phone was so convincing that I should include the girls as well... so I thought, what the heck - let's give it a go.  And what a go it has been!  I'm so glad we did it.  All three kids have had such a blast.  I had no idea how much training and time would be involved, but it was totally worth it.  I had to pry the kids away from having fun in the pool just to get a few portraits of the kids.  Here's a few shots of our summer...



© Lisa O'Donnell Photography
CoffeeShop Designs