Sunday, August 7, 2011

California Beach Day

It's been forever since I've posted on my blog, and for a good reason.... I've moved!  We left California in early July to move to Charlotte, North Carolina.  My life has been a bit upside down for the last few months, with packing and all the work you need to do to get a home ready for a sale.  And in all the busyness, my photography has taken a back seat.  These pictures were of a really fun day about a month ago.  I'm just now finally getting to edit and post them.  They are my good-bye to California pictures.  We had a fabulous day at a beach my family likes, Little Corona Beach.  Great weather and some great fun splashing in the waves.


These next pictures are of my Dad and Mom, Ron and Arlene.  My Mom would hate it that I'm posting a picture of her, but I love including her in the memory of our fun day.  My parents are the type of people that love to climb on the rocks and have fun with their grandkids.  I like it that my Mom will wade through the tide pools to take a look at the crabs and other interesting creatures.  

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! I love the one of the three kids running away on the sand.
